Buying and developing real estate has traditionaly been a good investment. Unlike the stock market, it has shown to be a more stable investment with less of a risk. However, traditionally it has also been for a select group of people with enough captial and know-how. Tessin set out to chage that. Through their crowdfunding digital platform, Tessin enables people to partially fund real estate projects they want to see built. This gives people the power to help shape their community, help build the society and also help their personal finance grow.
Insight / idea
The visual identity was built around the collective power of people joining forces make things grow. Both projects and their personal finance. We created a set of 3D scenes, inspired by the design philosophy of Nicodemus Tessin, to manifest the idea. Where wood, glass and concrete joined seamlessly to create a solid shape. The idea of collective growth also guided our motion identity where transitions and infographics helped build a unified expression across all touchpoints.
Project details
Visual identity
Design system
Digital designer
Daniel Stridsberg
3D Illustrations