Project details
Concept & Ideation
Art Direction
Production & photography
Agent Molly
C-J Paulin
Tech company HiQ provides consultancy within IT with the promise to "simplify the world with tech". In a business where everyone claims they help with innovation and digitalisation, it is hard for companies to diffirentiate themselves and in extension attract top talent. With the ambition to grow and help position the brand, we were tasked with creating a brand and recruitment campaign that would help HiQ become a more memorable and attractive brand among upcoming talents.
The idea was built around the insight of finding a common cause among the target group. By creating recognition around the fact that bad technology is ruining businesses and drains the energy of great IT consultants. By creating a good vs bad setting - we wanted to rally our talent around the idea of helping HiQ end bad tech. In a humoristic setting, we created three scenes to showcase HiQs promise of simplifying the world with tech - by eliminating old, and bad tech. The scenes portrayed a lost-, an on-going- and won battle between HiQs consultants and the bad tech.