AIK Fotboll wanted to take the next step in refining their brand. The identity had primarily been centered around the crest and typeface. But they felt they lacked an overall direction that would help them capture all aspects of the club — from the arena during game time to the late night youth practises. But also give them a story to tell partners and stakeholders what to expect when working or collaborating with AIK Fotboll.
Insight.& Idea
The strength within AIK is the people. No matter where you are, or who you are — we all gather around a common love for the club. Inspired by the "allmänna" (the public), we wanted to capture the true essence and energy around the club. We established a new brand concept, where club, city and culture became our three pillars for communication, tonality and visuals. This helped guide our visual expression towards a more dynamic, motion driven and expressive identity.
Design concept
Visual identity
Art Direction
Andy Liffner